National Bookshop Day – October 1, 2022, history significance why we celebrate
National Bookshop Day has been taking place on the very first Saturday in October every year since 2016. This year it will take place on October 1. October is a good time for new books to come out in the run-up to Christmas.
For National Bookshop Day and the start of the important fall selling season, bookshop owners are encouraged to hold parties, events, and book signings in their stores. Every year, more than a thousand bookshops across the country participate in National Bookshop Day. They hold special events, make unique window displays, and so on. It’s part of the Books Are My Bag campaign, which is run by the Booksellers Association.

By the 14th century, a commercial book trade had developed in the United Kingdom, and before the introduction of printing to Europe by Johannes Gutenberg in 1439, the trade comprised of scribes who wrote manuscripts.
By the early 15th century, the majority of those involved in these activities were based in London and were members of the Company of Stationers, a trade guild. By the 16th century, publishers and printers had taken control of the book trade and launched a commercial aspect, relying heavily on sales of highly regarded religious books, and similar literature for a large portion of their income. By the 20th century, as literacy became more widespread in the general public and disposable income went up, publishers faced new challenges.
The disparity between small independent booksellers and giant chain sellers has widened, resulting in the demise of many medium-sized businesses. Technology has had a significant impact on developments in the book industry. Because the United Kingdom has one of the highest levels of internet connectivity in Europe, the industry in the United Kingdom faces both the prevalent threat and vast opportunity of ground-breaking technological advancements such as the e-book and Amazon — almost all book publishers in the United Kingdom now use the standard book number.
Over the years, the number of bookstores has decreased, with over 73 closings in 2013 alone, and the U.K.losing 7% of its remaining bookstores. Independent book stores are currently under 1,000 strong, while larger chains like Borders have filed for bankruptcy. With a gender split that was almost equal, the publishing sector supported 231,000 jobs in the U.K. creative economy in 2013. The performance of physical retailers has improved since 2014, heralding the end of the recession and the emergence of the Kindle.
14th Century
Commercial Book Trade Starts
Commercial book trade develops in the United Kingdom and comprises scribes.
16th Century
Publishers and Printers Take Control
Publishers and printers take control of the book trade and launch a commercial aspect, relying heavily on sales of highly regarded religious books, and similar literature.
Publishing Industry Creates Over 231,000 Jobs
The publishing industry contributes over 231,000 jobs to the U.K. creative economy, with a nearly equal gender split.
The First National Bookshop Day
The first National Bookshop Day is observed on the first Saturday of October.
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Buy a book
Celebrate National Bookshop Day by buying a book at your local bookshop. If you check a book out from the library, you usually need to read it in a set amount of time. If you borrow it, you might feel pressured to finish reading it to return it to its owner. But, if you own the book, you can read at a pace that allows you to enjoy the book.
Attend a book signing
You can also observe this day by attending one of the many book signings organized on this day. Book signings are popular because an author’s signature raises the value of books for collectors. On request, the recipient’s name may be included in the author’s brief dedication to the reader that is included in each book.
Post on social media
Observe this day by posting messages or photos of the book you are currently reading with the hashtag #BookshopDay. This will encourage more people to visit a bookshop and read a book.
Number of books published globally
As of 2010, there were 129,864,880 million books published, according to Google.
The most expensive book ever bought
According to Business Insider, Bill Gates bought Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Codex Leicester” for $30.8 million.
Author’s names on book covers
Since the earliest printed book covers were regarded works of art and decorated with artwork, leather, and even gold, there was no room for the author’s name.
First book written on a typewriter
Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” was the first book written on a typewriter.
Icelanders read the most
Perhaps it’s because of the weather, or maybe they’re just taught to love books, but Icelanders read more than anyone else.
It beneficial to the brain
Reading is like a workout for the mind. According to scientific studies, reading makes you smarter.
It helps in gaining knowledge
Reading allows you to detect styles, solve problems, and absorb new information. Reading helps you express yourself clearly since it expands your vocabulary and teaches you the proper usage of new words. Reading increases your knowledge and gives you a wealth of conversation starters.
It helps us become better writers
Reading allows your brain to absorb good writing strategies and vocabulary. In this way, you will unknowingly replicate the writing styles of publications that captivated you in your writing.